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- AutoXA V1.00
- ------------
- +---------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | WARNING | AutoXA will reboot your computer the first |
- | WARNING | time it is run unless you tell it not to do so. |
- +---------+-------------------------------------------------+
- What does AutoXA do?
- --------------------
- It loads a small program into your system that will automatically add the
- memory that you have installed on a MicroBotics M1230XA card every time you
- reboot.
- How is this different from SetXA and AddXAMem?
- ----------------------------------------------
- AutoXA installs a routine in memory that survives reboots. This way it can
- make the memory available to the system software *much* earlier in the
- boot-up process.
- Why is that a good thing?
- -------------------------
- When AutoXA is active, almost all of the system's data will be loaded into
- much faster XA memory, rather than Chip memory. Your system's graphics and
- file access routines will run faster. (Exactly how much faster depends on
- the speeds of your SIMM and your CPU.)
- It also frees up about 245 kilobytes of Chip memory that graphic or music
- programs might need.
- How do I use it?
- ----------------
- Copy the AutoXA program to the System directory of your boot disk. Then,
- add the line:
- SYS:System/AutoXA
- to your Startup-Sequence file on a new line immediately after the line with
- the SetPatch command in it. Consult your AmigaDOS documentation or a
- knowledgeable friend if you are unsure about editing text files.
- A simpler installation would be to copy the program into the WBStartup
- drawer. This will work fine, but the system does quite a few things before
- looking for programs there. Since the first time AutoXA gets run (when you
- have just flipped the power switch) it must reboot the system, these
- actions are just making your system take longer to boot without any
- benefit.
- You said it reboots the computer?
- ---------------------------------
- Yes. The first time you run it, the program installs the resident portion,
- then reboots the computer. This is so the system data gets loaded into
- Fast ram right away. The second and subsequent times AutoXA runs, it
- detects the fact that it is already installed and does not reboot.
- If you are running the program from a Shell window and don't want to reboot
- right away, you can type:
- AutoXA NoReboot
- This will tell AutoXA to install its resident code, add the M1230XA's
- memory to the system (if it has not been added already), and then quit.
- The system data will not get moved into Fast ram until you manually reset
- your machine.
- How can I get rid of it?
- ------------------------
- If you ever need to remove it from the system you don't need to power off
- the machine. Just type:
- AutoXA Remove
- in a Shell window. That will disconnect the in-memory code. If you have
- installed the program in your Startup-Sequence file, you will either have
- to boot from some other Workbench or disable the Startup-Sequence in some
- other way to prevent the program from being started right back up again
- when you reboot the machine.
- Do I still need to run CPU FastROM?
- -----------------------------------
- AutoXA does NOT move the system code--only the data. If your processor has
- an MMU (Memory Management Unit), and you have enough Fast memory on the
- M1230XA (4meg or more), you should still use the 'CPU FastROM' command to
- relocate the system code for the fastest possible system.
- I've installed the program, but now my
- virus checker is complaining. What's going on?
- ----------------------------------------------
- To survive system reboots, the AutoXA resident module hooks onto a system
- structure called the KickTag (or RomTag) list. Because this is one
- possible way for viruses to survive, your virus checker shows you what is
- installed on this list. (This is also how the RAD: device survives
- reboots.)
- Consult the documentation that comes with your virus checker program. Some
- have ways of telling them to ignore certain things. If the virus checker
- you use reports the size of memory in use, it should say 920 bytes ($398 in
- hexadecimal). If a different number turns up, it's reporting some program
- other than AutoXA -- possibly a real virus.
- ============================================================================
- The AutoXA program and this documentation are copyright 1992,1993 by
- MicroBotics, Inc. All rights reserved. This program and documentation
- were written by Mike Pinson.
- If you received this program in the form of an archive, you may
- redistribute the original file 'AutoXA1r0.lha' to other MicroBotics
- customers only as long as it is not modified in any way, that is: it
- contains nothing but this doc file, the executable, and their icons.
- Comments or suggestions? Contact us:
- MicroBotics, Inc.
- 1251 American Parkway
- Richardson, Texas 75081-2932
- United States of America
- Voice : +1 (214) 437-5330 (0900 to 1700 Central Time)
- Fax : +1 (214) 437-9714
- BIX : type 'join microbotics' to enter our support conference
- : or send mail to 'microbotics1'
- Internet : microbotics1@bix.com